Brass Patanjali Father of Yoga Sutras
Hand cast brass god of yoga Patanjali. Made in India.
Patanjali, India born, is an ancient exponent of raja yoga and the author of the Yoga Sutras, a series of verses about the eight steps needed to attain Self-Realization.
‘Pata’ in Sankskrit has two meanings. The first is ‘falling leaves.’ ‘Anjali’ refers to the hand position (mudra) where the palms are joined together at heart center. Together, the name Patanjali signifies receiving the wisdom of the Sutras which is like catching falling leaves of wisdom and offering them to the heart. The second meaning of ‘pata’ in Sanskrit is ‘serpent.’ Patanjali is a half man and half serpent figure. The serpent symbol represents the energy of spiritual awakening, which is called Kundalini.
His most known accomplishment is the compilation of the Yoga Sutras, a major work which contains aphorisms on the philosophical aspects of mind and consciousness. Also the assumed writer of work on the ancient Indian medicine system. Recently Yoga Sutra has become popular worldwide for the precepts of Raja Yoga, and also the philosophical basis of the Yoga movement, which aids in the health of harmonizing of the body mind.
Dimensions: 1.75″ x 3″ x 5″