Hand cast Hindu goddess Kali with ten arms stands atop Hindu god Shiva. The Hindu goddess of death, time, the destroyer of the evil forces. Also considered a strong mother figure, and symbol of motherly love. Kali embodies shakti – feminine energy, creativity and fertility. She is an incarnation of Parvati,wife of the great Hindu god Shiva.
Kali, often represented as a fearful fighting figure with a necklace of heads, skirt of arms, lolling tongue, and brandishing a knife dripping with blood. Kali is standing with her right foot on Shiva’s chest. This represents an episode where Kali was out of control on the battlefield, such that she was about to destroy the entire universe. Shiva pacified her by laying down under her foot to pacify and calm her. Shiva is sometimes shown with a blissful smile on his face.
Ten arms represent the ten directions (the four cardinal points, the intermediate points, and the points above and below) and convey the idea of “Divine Omnipresence”.
Only one piece available.
Dimensions: 2.5″ x 5″ x 9″