Lava Stone Mucalinda Seated Buddha Yogyakarta
This seated Buddha, deep in meditation, is protected by a seven-headed naga (snake). The theme of the Buddha and the naga has its origins in the Indian legend of the meditating Buddha being protected by the nagaraja (snake king) Mucalinda during a mighty rainstorm.
It is said that six weeks after Gautama Buddha began meditating under the Bodhi Tree, the heavens darkened for seven days, and a prodigious rain descended. The mighty King of Serpents, Mucalinda, came from beneath the earth, he protected Buddha with his hood while Buddha was sitting in deep meditation. When the great storm had cleared, the serpent king assumed his human form, bowed before the Buddha, and returned in joy to his palace.
A simple and serene piece hand carved in a stone carving village located in central Java. The artisans and villagers have been worshiping and influenced by the greatest Buddhist monuments Borobudur Temple Compound for generations. Using local lava stone from Mount Merapi to carve, from rough stone into smooth yet strongly envisioned artistic sculptures. We also get a peek of how Javanese survive both the volcanic environment and political changes through their work. A beautiful one of a kind piece and great temple quality.
* Want to learn more about Borobudur Temple Compound. kindly check https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/592/
Dimensions: 23″ x 28″ x 67″
Due to the size and/ or the delicate situation of the item. Please contact us for more details about picking up /shipping options.