Old Saraswati Double Base India




Old brass Saraswati sitting on top of a lotus base atop another base.

Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, art, speech, wisdom, and education. This one shows her in four arms, seated with her front right hand in the act of playing the veena. The four hands hold items with symbolic meaning – a pustaka (book or script), a mala(rosary, garland), and a musical instrument. The book she holds symbolizes the Vedas representing the universal, divine, eternal, and true knowledge as well as all forms of learning. A mala of crystals, representing the power of meditation, inner reflection, and spirituality. The most famous feature on Saraswati is a musical instrument called a veena, represents all creative arts and sciences.

Two citramekhala (peacock) beside the goddess. The peacock symbolizes colorful splendor, the celebration of dance, and – as the devour of snakes – the ability to transmute the serpent poison of self into the radiant plumage of enlightenment.

Originally from India. One piece only.


Dimensions: 4.5″ x 9″ x 11″

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